The Chinese Zodiac

Dec 26. Today, I reveal what I am doing with my 12 fabric designs. Not one for each month but rather one for each year. There are 12 zodiac animal signs, one each per cloth. The Chinese Zodiac Signs. 12 original animal signs overlayed onto 12 original fabric cloths. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you, my partner for this project, one very talented young artist from NAFA, Ms Meredith Tan. She designed on her digital board the 12 animal signs for this series of work. Meredith and I can't be more different. For one, she is young, I am 3 cycles ahead of her and when it comes to art, I am old school and she is modern. I hold a brush, she holds a stylus. She has formal art training, I have no rules ! Hahaha... but somehow we managed to work together and very well too ! 😘 At this juncture, I must state that I didn't come out with this idea. The Idea came from one of the directors of Chinatown Heritage Center, the very creative Ms Margaret Zhang. Over a conversation some months back, she told me that it would be a good idea to run a series of work on The Chinese Zodiac. Initially, I balked at the idea, I mean where in the world am I am going to find time to paint 12 pieces of artwork? I grinned and kept quiet but the idea stayed with me and the more I thought about it, the more convinced that I have to do it. And it was then, I came up with the idea of sharing the workload ! Thanks be to GOD ALMIGHTY, here we are ... 12 pieces, all ready. Launching officially in Chinatown Heritage Centre next week for the whole month of January, 2018. All 12 pieces will be on display. We have also put the designs on dust cloths and they will be available at CHC from next week too! Yes, you can have your own zodiac dust cloth. ;) We give thanks for all the assistance and support rendered to us. The family of Meredith in particular, I am grateful for their help in research and copywriting. Thank you so much. 😘 To God be all glory. We are grateful for the opportunity and we thank HIM from the bottom of our hearts.🙏